Ring48 post-mortem
Tools used
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express beta
- Libraries: Allegro, AllegroGL and FMod
- Discreet 3DS Max 6
- Planetside Terragen 0.9.19
- Adobe Photoshop CS
- Adobe Audition 1.5
- Propellerhead Reason 2.5
- (ZBrush 2 for a model that didn't make it to the final version)
- Pentium IV 3GHz, 1GB Ram, GeForce4 Ti4600
- Roland ED PC-300 USB midi keyboard
- Wacom Intuos3 Tablet
What went wrong
- Not ready in time: When
the competition started I was still trying to get Allegro and AllegroGL
correctly installed. I lost an hour due to that and didn't have time to
learn how to use it so I lost even more time in the first few hours.
Next time I need to have everything ready and tested before the start.
- Wasted time: At first I
couldn't find an original idea so I thought about making a random
dungeon crawler. I made a monster model and while it was quick to model
and texture in ZBrush (about 45minutes) I lost more time trying and
failing to get the texture properly aligned in the game. Then I thought
I would rather generate some kind of "island" -like levels and wasted
time writing a random level generator that I didn't use in the final
either. I also lost time on various little graphic details that we
can't even really see.
- Gameplay issues: There
are problems with the gameplay. First, racing along a ring is boring
and the randomly generated track does not make it more interesting.
Then it would need more power-ups and different ground tiles and a
better track generator. The difficulty needs to be balanced.
- Theme adherence: The
track is randomly generated but other than that I didn't fully exploit
the theme. I would have liked to add random power-ups but didn't have
the time.
What went right
- Time management: I was
able to spend a lot of time on my game. Overall i had about 8 hours of
sleep in the whole week-end which was enough to able to work
efficiently the rest of the time. The first 24 hours I mostly
concentrated on getting the basics done (model loader, tile system) and
in the second half I worked more on the gameplay.
- Idea: It was 24hours
after the beginning of the competition that I had the idea of creating
a racer game. I had just made this grass texture with the checkered
pattern which is kind of Sonic-style. I also had those nice little
stars at random on my level and it made me think of Sonic. I wondered
if I could get a curved level and it took just a few minutes to do it.
Then I had to think of a gameplay to go with that.
- Tools: All very good, no
problem there. I wanted to use Cinema 4D for the 3D stuff but i had a
cool export script for max so i used it instead. Terragen is great for
creating a quick skybox. I bought Audition on Adobe's buy and download
site just a few hours before the competition start (I'm a crazy
compulsive buyer ;), I had used it before when it was known as
CoolEdit Pro and it rocks. Propellerhead Reason rocks for generating
sounds and I also used it for the intro music (rather minimalist, I ran
out of time).
- 3d tiles system: It was
easy enough to code so it wouldn't take too much time. I think it looks
OK and given more time the graphics could easily be improved by making
more interesting tiles. Also the gameplay is basically 2d so there is
no need for complicated and time-consuming 3d collision detection. And
the amazing part was that just a few lines of code turned my originally
flat level into a cool ring shaped one.
I'm quite happy
with what I've managed to accomplish in 48 hours. The game is fun for a
few minutes and looks all right. The competition was really fun and I
already look forward to the next one.